Saturday, 12 October 2013

Learn West Coast Swing Dance by Princeton

West Coast Swing is a dance that is a special swing style dance which is called by Lindy. This dance is enjoyed at a small space as this dance is of slotted nature.

History of West Coast Swing Dance
Beginning of this specific West Coast Swing dance is associated by the arrival of Dean Collins of the Hollywood at the 1930s.  He learned this Lindy Hop dance and he brought this special dance style while he went to the west. When Dean Collins started acting in movies during the 1940s & 1950s. He proffered this special dance in his movies. To get easier filming as well as to make faces of dancers more visible on the camera, they altered Lindy Hop Circular movement into special straight motion and this specific area is called by slot. During the year1940’s the Laure Haile which is one of popular dance instructor of the Arthur Murray studios. She has been watched by performing this dance in California. After that, she named this dance the western Swing and the dance was taught in the Murray’s studios. After that, the name has been changed to West Coast Swing by another instructor of the Murray studio who is Skippy Blair. For differentiate this special dance style especially from country & western dancing.

Dance Steps of West Cost Swing Dance
The west Coast swing dance is performed by the lady in which, the lady perform forward to backward in a single straight line at the floor whereas the partner stays at one place. This dance is performed in the slot; therefore the lady never put the steps out of the slot. This particular dance employs six & eight count. At the six counts, the dance is performed with the two special walking steps. While performing this dance, the counted are as follows 1, 2,3,4,5 and 6 which involve walk, walk, triple, after that step, triple, step. When, the eight count start the two walking steps come. After that, a triple step come which involve two walks & a special triple step. The eight counts are 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8 which involve walk, walk, triple after that step, walk, walk, triple and step. You can also learn this dance by a studio which provides the opportunity to learn dance, the Princeton. Thus, get hold the opportunity to get Country Swing Princeton.  

 One More Dance you can learn by Princeton
 The Princeton offer the opportunity to learn the different dances such as one of popular dance is Country Shuffle dance. Let’s learn how to dance the Country Shuffle dance.

  1. Take one step forward of the left foot and after that half step slide forward by the Right foot.
  2. Take Half step slide forward by the Right foot.
  3. Take half step forward by the Left foot.
  4. Take Half step forward by the Right foot.

You can also learn the dance by Princeton. Thus, it is great opportunity to get Country Shuffle Princeton.

 you can get Country Swing Princeton and Country Shuffle Princeton by the Princeton dance studio.

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